Published April 2015
Equipment fabricated by Blakes
Blakes recently delivered eight secondary containment working platforms to Oilfield Mineral Solutions in Aberdeen. The secondary containment working platforms, which are utilised in the NORM decontamination and decommissioning global market, for siting specialist equipment on to ensure there is as low a risk as possible to impact on the local environment while handling hazardous materials. This equipment fabricated by Blakes will be transported to Angola, for use in the Country’s offshore deepwater fields.
The project perhaps marks the furthest travelled project by Blakes with the exception of the Falklands, but we believe our first venture into Africa.
Ian Thomson of Oilfield Mineral Solutions commented: “We enlisted the services of Blakes to fabricate these secondary containment working platforms after visiting their premises in Edinburgh. We were satisfied that Blakes could deliver a quality product within our tight budget and time frame”.